Thinking Differently – How Two IP helps me do my best work for my clients

In November, Rachel Havard joined Two IP as a consultant trade mark attorney. In this blog, she shares her reflections after her first three months with us and what it has meant in terms of her ability to serve her clients better.

I have now completed my first quarter with Two IP and am invigorated by working as a consultant trade mark attorney with the support of the Two IP team around me – the ultimate ‘Going it Alone’ but without actually being alone. Two IP gives me all the same infrastructure and organisation as your traditional IP firm, but with fewer constraints.

I have been able to work with my favourite types of client with much more time to get to know them better, and can see how increased freedom and flexibility has benefited both my clients and me personally – and will continue to do so. My family are already thanking me for being present again, and I am sufficiently present at last to hear them!

I have said goodbye to long commutes to the office, and in place of that, I am getting out on the road to visit clients, as well as attending a variety of networking events. I also have much more time for professional development and to remain up to date with evolving case law and industry trends. I have been meeting fascinating new people and have the privilege of continuing to work with many old friends.

“In the process of taking on client trade mark portfolios I already know well, and in many cases helped to build from the inception of a client’s business, I am finding myself in a unique position to give them fresh, forward-thinking insights with the benefit of long corporate memory. There is also the thrill of meeting and working with new clients.”

I have been delighted to see other IP attorneys recognize the same great opportunity I did, and deciding to join Two IP. Such a collaborative environment can be created without hierarchy or being answerable to targets in the traditional sense. Self-discipline is just as important, but Two IP affords me much more control over a working day.

For anyone thinking differently about how their patent or trade mark attorney should work with them, I recommend you take a closer look at Two IP and the fresh approach on offer.  

Protecting your brand from the increase in counterfeits

The global counterfeit goods industry is estimated to be worth around US$600 billion a year. It is thought that as many as 10% of all branded goods sold may be counterfeit, with 80% of us having (knowingly or not) handled fake goods.

Counterfeits remain prevalent in bricks-and-mortar stores, but online sales make up an increasingly large proportion of the total figure, with the COVID pandemic and the shift to online retail providing the perfect environment for counterfeiters to thrive. Numbers of illicit goods have been on the increase for decades, with the development of digital technologies, evolution of freight systems and globalised banking systems all playing their part. The ongoing cost of living crisis affecting many areas of the world was reported in World Trademark Review (WTR) earlier this month as being a considerable concern. The crisis means consumers are looking for more affordable goods, with some purchasing fake products. An increased number of people are also likely to turn to selling illicit goods to make a living.

Counterfeiters operate in all markets, from consumer goods to pharmaceuticals and industrial components. Protecting your brand against offline and online fakes is a huge challenge, but not doing so can negatively and immeasurably impact your brand and your business. Almost 40% of fake goods detained at EU borders have been found to be dangerous to consumers. Harmful or poor-quality goods sold bearing your brand stand to damage the reputation you have worked hard to build, but sales of any unauthorised goods will divert sales from your business, leading to a reduction in profits.

As well as the effect on your business, lost sales due to counterfeiting means billions in lost taxes, and vast numbers of job losses. Counterfeit goods are also linked with organised crime, with the purchase of counterfeit goods funding crimes such as money laundering and illicit drug distribution.

Advanced monitoring and enforcement methods are in place across some of the larger online platforms including Amazon and Alibaba, and there is much discussion over the use of NFTs as authentication tools for products, but those measures are not appropriate or affordable for all. However, there are several steps you can take to protect your business and brands against counterfeit goods.

Needs vary according to industry and sector, but we can tailor a strategy for your business to focus on the most pressing issues. Here are some of the most accessible measures we can help with:

Monitor and authenticate

A range of monitoring and authentication options are available from specialist companies enabling you to monitor sales or listings, and allowing consumers to authenticate products once they are purchased.

Register brands with rights owners’ programmes

Two of the major programmes are Amazon’s Brand Registry and Ebay’s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) programme. Platforms will usually suspend listings whilst the suspected counterfeits are investigated.

Check consumers’ comments and reviews for reports of fake products

This can be a quick and easy way of flagging suspected counterfeit goods. Consumers often leave negative feedback if they believe they have received a counterfeit product.

Make test purchases and send ‘cease and desist’ letters

If products look suspicious, they can be purchased, tested and if found to be counterfeit used in further action against the counterfeiter. Letters before action can stop counterfeiters quickly, particularly smaller sellers. They can also be used to extract key supply chain information to enable further investigation. Private investigators can be used to make discreet purchases or approaches to counterfeiters.

File Applications for Action (AFAs) with customs authorities

This can be done in many countries and is the most effective way to support local customs authorities to seize suspect goods as they enter the country.   

Civil or criminal proceedings

If your trade marks or images of your products are used by counterfeiters, consider civil court proceedings which offer remedies such as injunctions, damages, an account of profits and delivery-up and destruction of infringing products. Criminal proceedings are also available. We work with various organisations including the UK National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU), particularly in cases involving a threat to consumer health and safety.

Trading Standards

Reports can be lodged at your local Trading Standards office. These authorities have the power to seize and investigate reports of counterfeit or infringing goods.  

Educate consumers

Consumer awareness can be crucial to minimising counterfeits. If consumers can readily detect a fake product or know how to report or verify one, this can be a first line of defence. It also protects them from potentially harmful products. Don’t be concerned about acknowledging that there are illicit goods out there; the world is aware that they exist and most consumers would rather buy authentic goods. Owning the narrative around counterfeits, with guidelines on your website, will be beneficial to your business and to consumers.


If you have any questions or require advice about tackling counterfeits or unauthorised use of your brands, our trade mark attorneys can help. Get in touch with the Two IP team:

Patent grants up 10% at IP5 offices in 2021

Patent activity is continuing to increase at the leading IP offices around the world, including the European Patent Office (EPO). How can you ensure that your patent attorney is still doing their best work?

Late last year we reported how both the UK IPO Innovation and Growth Report, and the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Global Innovation Index reflected increased levels of innovation across world economies. This trend is reaffirmed by the recently published IP5 Statistics Report 2021, from the IP5 group of patent offices (EPO, Japan Patent Office, Korean Patent Office, China Patent Office and US Patent and Trade Mark Office). The full report is available from the IP5 website, and also from the EPO.

The report is significant in that it provides a consolidated view of patenting activity across the five largest IP offices. In 2021, 1.5 million patents were granted, an increase of 10% on the previous year. 2.9 Million patent applications were filed- with both the European Patents Office and the Chinese Patent Office leading the way with 5% and 6% growth respectively. It is evident from global filing analytics that Europe represents a key market for patent owners, some 31% of granted patents are in Europe:

As patent attorneys, this is no surprise – the challenge continues to be how to balance the increased levels of work with ensuring that clients receive the highest quality service. That is one of the challenges that we here at Two IP have addressed. By removing the traditional management responsibilities and billing targets, we give our attorneys all the time and space they need to do their best work, for a select group of clients, while ensuring that clients get excellent value for money and our attorneys are fairly rewarded for their expertise and hard work.

If this sounds like the client/attorney relationship you would value, then you can discuss your requirements with our expert patent and trade mark attorneys at

The importance of a valid UK address for service for trade marks and designs

The UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) has issued a new Tribunal Practice Notice (TPN 2/2023) with a potentially significant impact upon UK rights acquired through the Madrid Protocol (for trade marks) or Hague Agreement (for designs).

TPN 2/2023 has the good intention of looking out for rights holders based outside the UK, who might have their rights challenged by third parties but do not promptly become aware of that because they have no valid UK address for service recorded for their UK designations in International registrations. However, as explained below, the same TPN brings about an even shorter period for reaction than previously, if rights holders are to be able to defend their UK rights in the face of such a challenge.

A “valid UK address for service” is one in the UK, Gibraltar, or the Channel Islands. Previously, for challenges to registered/protected UK designations in International registrations without a valid UK address for service, the UK IPO would issue documents to the non-UK address for the holder and would deem such action to constitute “effective service” for the setting of an inextensible period to file a defence (with this period being two months to submit a defence in response to a challenge upon a trade mark designation).


TPN 2/2023 has been issued by the UK IPO as a result of the decision of Geoffrey Hobbs KC, sitting as the Appointed Person in Tradeix Ltd v New Holland Ventures Pty Ltd (BL O/681/22) – the MARCO POLO case.

The MARCO POLO trade mark was protected in the UK as a designation in an International registration secured through the Madrid Protocol. A declaration of invalidity of that UK designation initially succeeded because the trade mark holder did not file a timely defence. The trade mark holder did not have any UK address for service recorded, so the invalidity application was communicated by post from the UK IPO to the trade mark holder’s registered office in Australia. The Australian address was that of the holder’s accountants and due to COVID restrictions and work from home requirements, the holder did not become aware of the challenge on its UK designation in time to submit a defence. Absent a timely defence, the UK IPO declared the UK designation invalid and directed that it be removed from the Register of Trade Marks and deemed never to have been made.

The holder appealed to the Appointed Person, who found that posting of documents to a non-UK address, as had been the UK IPO’s previous practice, had not constituted valid service of those documents upon the trade mark holder. This has led to the change of UK IPO practice described below.

The new UK IPO practice – TPN 2/2023

TPN 2/2023 sets out the changes of practice in the Registrar’s service of documents in inter partes trade mark invalidation, revocation, rectification and opposition proceedings, and registered design invalidation proceedings. It is most relevant to UK designations in International registrations, but does not impact ex parte proceedings, such as new UK designations under examination, where a UK address for service will not be required unless a notice of provisional refusal is issued to which the holder wishes to respond.

There are two new approaches, dependent on the type of proceeding before the UK IPO:

(1) Invalidation, revocation on the grounds of non-use, revocation on grounds other than non-use, and rectification

Absent a valid UK address for service, a preliminary letter will be issued by the UK IPO in the above types of proceeding, requiring the holder to provide a valid UK address for service within one month, together with confirmation that it intends to defend its right. Said letter will be posted by Royal Mail Signed-For service, using whichever non-UK contact details are available to the UK IPO at that time. This could be to the holder themselves but, if a non-UK representative address is given, the UK IPO will use those representative details in preference to the holder’s address.

If the holder provides a valid UK address for service within the set period, the action will be served to the address of the (newly recorded) valid UK address for service, then the usual period for defence, e.g. of two-months to defend a trade mark right, will run from the date of effective service to the UK address. If the holder does indicate a wish to defend the right within the initial one month set but does not provide a UK address for service in that time, they will be given one month to record a UK address for service.

If no valid UK address for service is provided within one month and no indication of a wish to defend, then the UK IPO will issue a letter confirming their intent to treat the right as undefended and to invalidate or revoke it. Again, this letter would be sent to the non-UK address, with a fourteen-day period for reply. Failure to respond would result in the UK IPO issuing a short decision on the undefended application and could lead to invalidation or revocation.

(2) Trade Mark oppositions against published International Registrations (UK)

In oppositions to UK designations in International trade mark registrations, a notice of provisional refusal will be sent by the UK IPO to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), who will in turn notify the holder. The transmission to WIPO is deemed effective service of the opposition and would not at that stage require the holder to appoint a UK address for service. Additionally, the UK IPO will issue a letter to the holder using any non-UK address for service details provided by WIPO: this will require a defence within an already activated two-month period and will also confirm that a valid UK address for service will be required to contest the opposition and engage beyond submission of an initial defence. If a defence is filed, but with no valid UK address for service, the UK IPO will then require appointment of such an address for services within one month.

NOTE – for UK trade marks or registered designs cloned from an EU right at the end of the Brexit transition period:

If the target of challenge is a comparable trade mark or design created out of an EU right which was in force at the end of the Brexit transition period, and if proceedings are launched prior to 1 January 2024, the above new practice will not apply, and service will be effected via any EU address for service provided in the data imported from the original EU right.

Comment and recommendations

This new practice, though well-intentioned, sets an even shorter period than previously for the holder of a UK designation to react, should a challenge be made to their registration, and if they do not have a valid UK address for service. Although preference would be given by the UK IPO to sending initial notification of the challenge to a representative recorded at WIPO, rather than to the holder themselves, a single month is a very short period for that notification to reach a representative outside the UK and be acted upon, with them to quickly arrange appropriate UK representation.

Risks posed by the TPN could be easily mitigated, and future requirements promptly satisfied, by appointing a valid UK address for service as early as possible, rather than waiting for any challenge to be encountered where vital deadlines might be missed.

Wherever questions are raised relating to validity of a right in the UK, local advice and representation is crucial, and Two IP’s Chartered UK trade mark attorneys are well qualified to help you. Get in touch here or email

Information on the unitary patent and the benefits for UK businesses.

The European Patent system is about to undergo a significant change, introducing the “Unitary Patent” and a new “Unified Patents Court”. 

This short video provides more information on the unitary patent and how it will provide time and cost benefits to UK businesses. 

A Unitary Patent is a European patent with unitary effect in a sub-set of the current European Patent Convention member states. A Unitary Patent provides uniform protection and equal effect in all the UP states. It may only be limited, transferred or revoked, or lapse, in respect of all the UP states. It may be licensed in respect of the whole or part of the territories of the UP states. 

There are 17 EPC member states which are participating in the UP: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, and Sweden. 

The UK is not participating in the UP, so the classic European patent validation process will still be followed for the UK. 

The advantages of the UP include removal of national validation procedures and reduction of costs at EP grant, and reduced renewal fees (the UP has a single annual renewal fee for the 17 UP states – the UP renewal fee is equivalent to the total of the renewal fees in the four most popular UP states). 

A potential disadvantage of the UP is that any patent litigation for infringement or validity of a UP will be handled centrally by a new Unified Patents Court (UPC), which has exclusive jurisdiction over UPs 

The Unitary Patent (UP) is expected to come into operation on 1st June 2023.

Top trademark tips for new brands and products

New year, new product? Or just looking to refresh your brand? Be sure to follow these tips to ensure a smooth process from brand selection to launch and avoid costly challenges and disputes along the way. 

1. Start early  

Clear names, logos and branding for use at the outset, and as early as possible ahead of your planned launch (ideally 6 months+). Engage your design or marketing team in the brand clearance process before they start work on a new name, logo or style. So often clearance is an afterthought when the brand has been chosen, with teams wedded to it and rollout already underway. At this stage if a challenge is encountered the time and expenditure already incurred may go to waste, and even if the challenge is manageable, the associated cost and delay to your launch may not be.  

2. Long-list to Short-list 

We offer fast-turnaround ‘knockout’ searches for ‘long-lists’ of potential names/logos, to quickly discount any which look problematic. A short-list can then be prepared and additional searches considered.  

3. Full clearance searches

Once you have a short-list of perhaps 1-3 preferred names or logos, conduct full clearance searches of the relevant trade mark registers as well as common law or ‘in-use’ searches.  

These searches can be staggered according to preference of name/logo, geographical scope and in line with your budget. Although anyone can conduct identical searches of many trade mark registers, and look for identical names/logos currently in use by using search engines, similar trade marks can be equally problematic and specialist searching software and professionals are required for this.  

Once the search data is received, we will analyse the results to provide a clear and concise assessment of the risks posed by any identical or similar trade marks. Trade marks registers are extremely crowded and it can be difficult to come up with an entirely original name or brand, but understanding what the risks are and if those risks are manageable for your business is key to the success of your brand launch.  

4. File Applications  

With our help you have selected a name or logo and you should now file applications in all relevant territories to protect that trade mark from third party use or misappropriation. If your brand will span multiple territories, this stage can be staggered using the six-month ‘priority’ afforded by your first application. This helps to manage budget by spreading cost and can be used to draw out potential challenges that may have been identified by the searches. 

We will advise on the most cost-effective and comprehensive registration strategy for your brand and budget; different positioning of words and logos, colour variations and other versions of your trade mark may be used in practice, and with separate applications usually required for each, the costs can mount up. We will ensure that you secure the broadest possible protection for your business within your budget. 

If your brand launch is highly confidential, we can advise how you can shield your application from public view for as long as possible whilst having your all-important ‘flag in the sand’.  

5. Swiftly deal with objections or challenges 

Unfortunately, objections from trade mark offices and third parties are common, but if you have followed the steps above these should be minimised. In the event of an objection, we are on hand to quickly and efficiently guide you through the process of overcoming the challenge and navigate towards a successful registration.   

6. Additional Considerations.  

You may have a new product or packaging design, or need a new domain name for your product or brand. We can advise on the registration of designs and registration or acquisition of domain names. 

You will also want to ensure that once your brand is selected third parties do not encroach on your rights. A trade mark watch can be put in place providing early notification of any identical or similar third party trade mark applications that you may wish to challenge. We can also provide online monitoring for your product or brand to alert us to unauthorised use of your trade mark online.  

If you are thinking about launching or refreshing your brand and would like our help, our trade mark attorneys are happy to have an initial chat. Get in touch here or email 



Levels of innovation on the increase according to UK IPO report

The 2021/22 Innovation and Growth report from the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has been published. This report provides insight into the work the UKIPO has conducted over the past year and what this indicates in terms of growth in the UK.  

Increase in applications and filings 

The report shows increased demand across trade marks, designs and patents compared to previous years, with record numbers of trade mark and registered design applications being filed at the UKIPO . This suggests that investment in innovation continues despite the economic and Covid challenges that individuals and businesses have been facing.  

Operational Improvements 

Delivering on this increased demand has not been without its challenges, however. Application processing times were impacted during the year causing delays on decisions to grant and issuing of examination reports, but timelines are now back within the UKIPO’s target parameters. Operational improvements at the UKIPO will continue to be seen into 2023 with the ongoing implementation of its ‘One IPO’ transformation programme. As well as various back-office improvements, applicants and attorneys will start to see more consolidated digital services and information. The report highlights the digital renewal service, which was implemented in 21/22. This service has reduced renewal fee processing times for patents, trade marks and designs from five days to a matter of minutes. Other similar improvements are planned which will make the UKIPO much more user-friendly for attorneys and paralegals to interact with.  

Future Technologies 

As transformational technologies gain momentum, it has been important for the UKIPO to develop a deep understanding of both the opportunities and challenges they present. Developments such as AI, the Metaverse, blockchain and NFTs are good examples of areas it are discussing with stakeholders, including IP rights holders and the Chartered Institutes of Patent Attorneys and Trade Mark Attorneys . The establishment of a ‘Foresight Network’ of the UKIPO and these stakeholders will allow them to coordinate and continue their work, to ensure the UKIPO is well placed to deal with these innovations.  

Green Technologies 

To support the Government’s Ten-Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, the UKIPO published analysis of various green technology areas. Its research has established that of the top 10 patenting countries, the UK is the most specialised country for Offshore wind power and Greener building technology, which includes smart home technologies. Further research will continue this year as the number of applications and the range of technology/business areas covered by them increase, to include analysis of trade marks and analysis of patent trends.  

International collaboration 

The UKIPO continues to build and develop its relationships with IP Offices in other countries, to support innovators in the UK to obtain protection for their IP rights in potentially important markets. Specific projects and negotiations are ongoing with IPOs in United States, Brazil, India, the Middle East and areas across Asia.  

Engagement with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), G7 and European IPOs continues, with the UK IPO proactively engaging to support international collaboration and best practice sharing.  This includes planned recruitment of a European IP attaché who will be based in Brussels to build and maintain these international relationships.  

You can read the UKIPO’s full Innovation and Growth report for 21/22 here.

2022 Global Innovation Index: Innovation impact vs productivity

The World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Global Innovation Index (GII) is a helpful indicator of geographical areas that are active when it comes to innovation. It also provides an up-to-date view of the important global innovation topics and trends.

Now in its 15th year, the comprehensive analysis of innovation input and output activity helps to determine the innovation position of global economies and areas in comparison with each other.

These rankings can help to provide a barometer of innovation around the world as well as help summarise the impact that innovation is having on global growth.

The 2022 GII reports that innovation investment remains high though this investment is not necessarily creating the expected impact. Slow adoption of technology and a stilted ability to translate innovations into productive implementation is seen as a key challenge to address.

In terms of the country rankings, Switzerland remains the highest-ranking country for level of innovation investment and success, and Europe features the largest number of top-ranking countries, reconfirming its place as a world-leading innovation area.

Emerging economies are also making their presence known and performing well, especially when compared to the relative size of their economies. Newcomers to the rankings include Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Pakistan. This indicates the future potential of a truly global innovation landscape.

The 2022 GII highlights two ‘innovation waves’ that WIPO believes to be influential in driving growth in the future:

A digital age innovation – supercomputing, AI and automation

A Deep Science innovation – biotechnology, nanotechnology and new materials.

These developments are likely to have a particular impact in areas such as Health, Food, Environment and Mobility.

The potential of these innovation waves though is likely to take some time to materialise, the report warns. In order for innovations to improve society and improve equality, obstacles such as technology adoption and diffusion need to be overcome first.

“Productivity is at the core of what we want our societies and economies to be tomorrow, in particular if we want to combine higher levels of equality while using natural resources more sensibly. A true revolution is driving innovation today, guided by Digital Age and Deep Science waves. We have a collective responsibility to draw the lessons of recent crises to put this revolution on the right track, and gear it to the future we want.”

You can read the full 2022 Global Innovation Index here.

What is IP Insurance and why might you need it? 

Intellectual property (IP) is an asset your business owns. Like any asset, there are situations where insurance to defray potentially costly claims can be a sensible precaution to take.

IP legal expenses insurance (LEI) isn’t appropriate for all businesses, but it is worth being aware of the situations where it might be a sensible investment. This blog shares our summary of IP LEI, the situations where it might be useful and the benefits of having it in place.


What is IP legal expenses insurance?

As with any other type of business insurance, IP legal expenses insurance (LEI) helps to mitigate significant costs – in the case of IP LEI, the costs of enforcing your IP rights and/or the costs of defending your business against an IP infringement action. If someone else infringes your IP rights, IP LEI can cover the costs of suing them for infringement, and if you are on the receiving end of IP litigation alleging infringement of someone else’s IP rights, IP LEI can cover the costs of defending the litigation.

Whatever the situation, IP litigation can be very costly and time-consuming to deal with so having insurance in place means you have a policy that will provide the finances for you to resolve it.


What types of IP insurance are available?

There is generally a scale of options and which option is right for you will depend on the level of risk and the price you are willing to pay for a policy.

Some common policy types are:

  • Opinion only: This enables you to obtain a professional opinion on your chances of success if you were to enforce or defend an IP infringement action
  • Enforcement or defence: This covers the costs of taking IP litigation action to enforce your rights as the IP owner or to defend against an allegation of IP infringement from others.
  • Damages: If you did lose an IP infringement action then this would cover you for any damages awarded.
  • Validity: This covers the legal costs of defending challenges to the validity of your IP rights; this is most generally applicable to patents.
  • Other options can also be added such as lost revenue or, increasingly important, cyber losses related to IP

However, for IP LEI it must usually be taken out “before the event” (BTE), i.e. before an (alleged) infringement has occurred. BTE LEI will only cover risk before an infringement claim is made or before the possibility of an infringement action ought to be known about. A decision to take out IP BTE insurance should therefore be considered as early as possible – this will also help to keep the insurance premium down.

UK cover will be the cheapest to obtain, followed by cover for Europe, Worldwide cover excluding the USA, and Worldwide cover including the USA; US IP litigation is the most expensive to action or defend, hence higher premiums will need to be paid. The premiums you pay will reflect the geographical cover you need. Taking out domestic cover early and expanding the cover as your markets grow is likely to be the most cost effective option.

Why might you consider getting IP Insurance?

The justification for IP insurance will depend on your specific situation and the value that Intellectual Property holds for your business. Of course, the level of risk of there being an issue will also play a role in determining if it is a wise investment.

If you operate in a highly technical or specialised area you may feel that you would benefit from the protection IP LEI provides. Similarly, if your market is highly competitive and IP plays a significant role in terms of competitive advantage, again it might be a good idea to have this enhanced protection.

As well as providing actual protection and financial support if the worst was to happen, it can also act as a deterrent. Weak claims that may not result in any legal action but could take time and effort to defend are more likely to go away if you have the insurance behind you to take robust advice and action from the outset. Similarly, alleged infringers are more likely to mediate or negotiate with you if they know you have the financial backing to see a case through and fully defend it.


What are the costs of IP insurance?

The insurer will calculate a premium based on a range of risk factors, including in which court you would intend to enforce any IP rights in the UK. The IP Enterprise Court (IPEC) costs less to take and defend IP litigation actions than going to the high court, and LEI just covering IPEC enforcement can have a premium that is lower as a result.

If the cover does require to be higher or cover a broad geographical area, then premiums are likely to be higher, but as with all insurance, it is worth being realistic on the level of cover you will require dependant on the circumstances.


Is litigation my only option for resolving an IP dispute?

Although LEI provides a comprehensive safeguard, there are other, cheaper options that you can also consider as a way to resolve an IP dispute.

Obtaining an option from the UK IP Office is one way. Although not a legal decision is it an informed and professional opinion from a senior examiner which can help steer the case one way or another, and help you decide whether it is better to negotiate a settlement or proceed with IP litigation.

Mediation is another route and one which the courts would have expected to have been attempted prior to starting legal proceedings. This often results in reasonable outcomes for all parties though will likely involve a compromise from both sides.


How do I find out if IP insurance is appropriate for me?

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) and The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA) also provide a list of companies that offer IP insurance products.

Further information about IP legal expenses insurance can be found at the UK Intellectual Property Office: Intellectual property insurance – GOV.UK (

If you have invested in protecting your IP, then you will likely already have a patent or trade mark attorney who you work with, so they would be your first point of contact. Our expert patent and trade mark attorneys are also happy to help, you can get in touch at

What lawn bowls can teach business on the CoffeeCast podcast. 

Lawn bowls and business might not seem like a natural pairing, but this combination was the topic of discussion on this episode of the CoffeeCast podcast.

Co-founder of Two IP, (and Bowls England Senior Independent Director) Anna Molony and Doug McPherson from Size 10 1/2 Boots discuss the importance of team communication in bowls and what business can learn from the sport.

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

Then watch England’s international bowlers in action and see how an elite team communicates to win a gold medal: 

Watch on iPlayer here (zip forward to 3 hours 30 into the program to find the start of Men’s Triples Gold medal match, England v Australia)

And if all this inspires you to try out lawn bowls yourself (or as a team building session) why not book a Bowls Bash session? It is an exciting, short form of lawn bowls for new players, that is really easy and fun for all ages and abilities. Find out more about Bowls Bash at Bowls Bash – Bowls England

Find a club and book a Bowls Bash session at