Thinking Differently – Reflections on three months with Two IP

In November, Rachel Havard joined Two IP as a consultant trade mark attorney. In this blog, she shares her reflections after her first three months with us and what it has meant to her and her family.

I have now completed my first quarter with Two IP and am invigorated by the benefits of self-employed trade mark attorney consultancy with the support of a team around me – the ultimate ‘Going it Alone’ but without actually being alone.  I still have access to the same type of infrastructure and organisation as your traditional IP firm, but without many of the constraints.

I have been able to start my own company, to work with my favourite types of client with much more time to get to know them better, and can see how increased freedom and flexibility has benefited me personally and will continue to do so.  

“My family are already thanking me for being present again, and I am sufficiently present at last to hear them!”

I have said goodbye to long commutes to the office, and in place of that am getting out on the road to visit clients, as well as attending a variety of networking events.  I also have much more time for professional development and to remain up to date with evolving case law and industry trends.  I have been meeting fascinating new people and have the privilege of continuing to work with many old friends.

In the process of taking on client trade mark portfolios I already know well, and in many cases helped to build from the inception of a client’s business, I am finding myself in a unique position to give them fresh, forward-thinking insights with the benefit of long corporate memory.  There is also the thrill of meeting and working with new clients.

I have been delighted to see other IP attorneys recognize the same great opportunity I did, with more signing up to the Two IP model.  Such a collaborative environment can be created when without hierarchy or being answerable to targets in the traditional sense.  Self-discipline is just as important, but consultancy affords much more control over a working day and it really is up to you what you make of it.  

For anyone already thinking differently about how to shape their career, I do recommend you take a closer look at Two IP and the fresh approach on offer.  You can find out more here.

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